Overcoming fears


 L. Randall Dobbins


We work with Women, Minorities, LGBTQ, and Veteran business owners who want to get into the bigger game of corporate contracts and don't know how to get started or have faced lots of closed doors. I help them navigate the corporate world to get in the door and land solid contracts with the largest companies.

Randall Dobbins is the founder and creator of Business Partner Blueprint, Randall’s expertise in business development and supply chain management was responsible for developing his expertise in designing partnering and alliance relationships designed to create maximum, long term value between vested parties.  Randall’s specific alliance expertise comes from his role in creating and managing alliances as a buyer, as an account manager for a major supplier and as a business owner. 

Dobbins International the parent company to Business Partner Blueprint is a National Minority Supplier Diversity Council registered company.  Randall has worked with NMSDC councils and participates on Strategic Teaming Alliance Committees where he has worked with to develop a Business Partner Blueprint curriculum.  The curriculum addresses topics for beginner, intermediate and advanced alliance partnership  concerns including the formation of alliance partnerships with corporates and alliance partnerships with other diversity businesses.

Contact Information and a gift from Randall:  www.businesspartnerblueprint.com, E-mail: randall.dobbins@businesspartnerblueprint.com, Tel: +1 (281) 799-7747

Regina Zaliznyak

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Regina holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering and Master’sDegree in Engineering Management. While working at IBM, Regina has earned PMP credential which has helped her lead large million dollar projects. Over the last 15 years at IBM, Regina had roles ranging from technical to release management to management. Regardless of the role, Regina has always been passionate about leading, guiding, and mentoring people to achieve desired goals. She brings her passion for helping people to real estate. As an agent Regina differentiates herself by building relationships with clients and coaches them on the overall real estate picture. In her spare time ,Regina likes to spend time with her children and she is passionate about helping to empower other women.

E-mail: reginaz@interorealestate.com,  Tel: (408)230-9662

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Geetha Krishnan

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Geetha Krishnan supports individuals, teams and employees in organizations to appreciate themselves and enhances employee engagement to increase bottom lines in businesses through interactive live experiential workshops and Corporate Gratitude Walk "On The Move". She is an Organizational Leader, Corporate Trainer, Gratitude Leadership Coach, Best Selling Author and a Professionally Certified International Speaker. She has trained over 20000 people in Fortune 500 Companies for over 14 years. As she says, she teaches people to thank and laugh all the way to the bank! 

Website - www.geethakrishnan.com , Phone no. 407-371-2116, Email: geethakrishnan668@gmail.com, LinkedIn geethakrishnanspeaks , Instagram: geethakrishnangratitudespeaks, Facebook: GeethaKrishnanSpeaks Dynamic Growth with Gratitude, Fb group - 7 GratitudesJar 



I was born and raised in California. When I was 12 my Mother and Step-Father thought it would be fun to move and live without what I thought were life necessities, such as electricity, hot running water and a solid roof over our head.  So, we packed up our home in Santa Cruz, CA and moved to Humboldt County, Redwood Valley to be exact. We lived about an hour from civilization. We had kerosene lamps for light, a wood stove used for heat and of course for the hot water needed to take a bath. This is where I learned that chicken and beef didn't come already packaged from a grocery store and that rabbits weren't just for show at the fair. The farm also inspired me to strive for a less strenuous way to make a living. I am a better person for it. It gave me the ability to create on my own without the interruption of TV and videos. Books were a way to escape the reality of boredom. I have four awesome boys of my own and two equally amazing Grandchildren, both girls.  Several years ago, I married the man of my dreams and the son of the school's owner, Brad, so I could muscle my way in and take over the business when nobody was looking! I have been working for Elan since May 2008 and I love my job and all of these kids! I used to work in the Tech industry which I loved until I started working at the school. I spend my free time with family and friends. Someday I will travel the world, but until then I cook and bake, ride roller-coasters, travel locally, shop and if I have a lot of free time, spark up political conversations with my husband starting with the words...."what do you think about the blah crisis?" So,  I keep myself busy.  My long-term goals are simple, I want to watch my kids grow and succeed and help them along the way. I ALWAYS dream Big and figure out the details as I get closer to achieving the dream.

To reach Laurie Mathews at Elan Preschool: (408)262-3848 or visit their Website: www.mypreschool.com

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Intuition as a higher form of intelligence


Michelle Depres

Intuitive Business Strategist and Coach,  Michelle Depres is on a mission to help healers, change-agents and Lightworkers, Remember the Truth of Who They Are, and get their work out into the world. With over 21/2 decades of corporate experience (as CPA / CFO), plus 10 years as a shamanic practitioner / channeler, Michelle brings a unique edge to everything she touches.   Born a natural Intuitive, Michelle lives at the crossroads where Spirit meets the physical.  This uncanny combination allows Michelle to apply “Intuition” to grounded business strategies, and to create solutions where others remain stuck.

I have a special gift for you….  Text 44222, and put in the code REMEMBER… (short for Remember the Truth of Who you Are)…  and your special gift will be on its way!  (To Clear your pathway to your first $100,000)…

For Michelle’s Website, go to:         www.AwakenBusinessSchool.com

Ashley Ludlow

Ashley Ludlow, best known for her song, "All Grown Up", is a nostalgic, indie pop/folk singer and songwriter. Her music inspires and encourages listeners to see the great value in life and the fantastic role they play in it. Originally from Utah, Ashley has performed for hundreds of thousands of people at venues like Abravanel Hall, the LDS Conference Center, and the Cathedral de Madeleine. She is self-taught on piano, guitar, and ukulele, and has been writing and composing original music for 20 years. She enjoys speaking on stage and teaching in workshops about the power of self-confidence, and the value of embracing the inner child. Ashley's debut album, "Like A Kid Again", was released on 1/7/17 and can be purchased on her website: ashleyludlow.com/music. Ashley has been married for 10 years and has four beautiful children with one more on the way.

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"Financial planing" and "Why Networking" Interview


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Rickey Bowen talking about the importance of financial planning

Richard has 37 years of business experience. After years in the legal field, he led multiple Trust Companies. Richard began working in the senior care industry after caring for three family members, simultaneously.

He has appeared on local & national television and radio, discussing aging, care, cost and preparation for aging. He has spoken to numerous organizations and businesses about all aspects of Aging. He has written many articles on the subject.

“Surviving Aging” is informed choices to help us age Peacefully! He connects families to Elder Care and Family Service Professionals across the country.

Richard is a member of numerous Senior Roundtable groups. He previously held Sales Management positions in high technology, playing a role in helping Macrovision grow to more than $200 million in revenue.

He has served on various Boards of Directors. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California at Berkeley and a Law Degree.

Richard Wexler, JD President and CEO Points of Life, LLC

www.pointsoflife.org rwexler@pointsoflife.org Danville, Ca. 925-984-0118

Hamid Saadat talking about "Why networking".


Hamid, started his career as a young engineer with Perkin Elmer, a design and manufacturer of Electron Beam Lithography equipment. For the next 25 years, Hamid assumed variety of Operations Engineering roles with semiconductor and high tech companies.

His business strategies in building strong Operations’ team and establishing partnership with key suppliers, both national and international, has always resulted in tremendous process improvements and cost savings.

As his way of “giving back to community”, in 2001, Hamid founded CSIX CONNECT, a nonprofit networking organization to assist those in career transition.

CSIX CONNECT has over 7,000 members and has been ranked as top “Great nonprofits” of Silicon Valley.

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